upgrade-nonroot privilege escalation issue?

That’s probably true.

The conditions to run into this issue are probably rare. The user must lock down user/root isolation as well as modify a package managed configuration file in /etc, later get compromised.

That tweet sounds dramatic. It assumes a concept (such as user-sysmaint-split) for meaningful user/root isolation is already a standard feature, which isn’t the case.

By the time an attacker can run this attack, the has user has usually already bigger issues. The following XKCD applies.

xkcd: Authorization

That tweet also seems to completely disregard any prior accomplishments an has the mindset “found 1 issue → trash the whole thing”, which isn’t productive.

Since user-sysmaint-split is due to become the default for new images with the next release, this report comes at a good time. That might be the end of upgrade-nonroot for account user for the foreseeable future. Other way solutions in the future, related:

How this can be fixed in a upcomming stable upgrade:

  • A) upgrade-nonroot using apt-get-noninteractive (might be unexpected); or
  • B) disable upgrade-nonroot.
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