I was going through all the steps to morph Debian 11 to KS and hit a snag at the very last part. While running “sudo apt install kicksecure-xfce” it hits an error "/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: ERROR: No user is a member of group ‘sudo’. Installation aborted.
I followed the guidance for not making user sudo due to a preference to keep root the only admin account.
Is it possible to use the xfce installer without having user in sudo?
I thought it said in the footnotes tfor not putting the user in the sudoer group that you could still do the morph without putting a user in. I will modify my approach and try it again.
From Footnote 4:
" The following command /usr/sbin/adduser user sudo grants root rights to user user. If the user intents to use user user without root rights for better security, the user should omit running the /usr/sbin/adduser user sudo and instead, in case of:
Is there no way to ditch sudo completely? I have a setup where root can only login via recovery boot, and non-root users cannot get privileges. No sudo, no su. ‘passwd -l root’. Can I use this setup with kicksecure?