Dracut Debain 12 Kicksecure Distromorph for ram-wipe

Fresh install of debian 12 and Distromorphed to kicksecure, attempted to install dracut and it failed to boot. Just wanted to report it and see if there was a solution I want to install ram-wipe


Solution unavailable. No ETA (estimated time of arrival).

Help welcome!

Thanks @Patrick

Happy to help! What would you like me to do?

It was a general call for help. Not to mention you specifically.

Meaning, unless some contributor magically appears to look into this,

  • manages to reproduce this issue with Debian and reports it there,
  • diagnoses the technical root cause,
  • or even contributes a bug fix,

then it could be a very long time until this gets fixed.

It’s fixed in all package repositories.

Unreal, thank you very much @Patrick

I will report any more errors if any on deb 12 morph.

Hey @Patrick I just attempted to install dracut again, experiencing same issue. I installed dracut after you put the fixes in. Rebooted and still unable to boot. Not sure if I am doing anything wrong.

Check that the updated file looks as expected before installing dracut.

(Please follow above link to see the filename and change.)

Hi @Patrick I followed what you said but still no luck, unless I did it incorrectly.

Are you supposed to input


Currently not required

Or just

Currently not required

I deleted what was in etc/dracut.conf.d/30-grub-live.conf

And posted ## Currently not required

Is this correct and is there a way to fix this without reinstalling the os and starting from scratch?

Option A)
This should’t be required. Just upgrade the system as per usual. Then you have this change anyhow.

Option B)

Deleting the file is fine too.

sudo rm /etc/dracut.conf.d/30-grub-live.conf

Then update dracut:

sudo dracut -f


Can confirm I followed your instructions, it gets stuck and goes to dracut timeout at boot.

Then it could be a different bug. I have no idea what’s wrong.