Faillock: Error reading tally directory: No such file or directory

Woke up one morning with the laptop on my chest. To get Tor rocking I tried to set manually sdwdate clock like I always do, because the CMOS battery is done or something else is off since replacing the battery didint make any difference.

Anyway got ERROR: Login blocked after 50 attempts. Followed unlocking instructions from Unlock User Account: Excessive Wrong Password Entry Attempts on Safely Use Root Commands page.

Booted in to a recovery mode in GRUB/BIOS advanced options for … something.
Run the faillock --user user --reset in the maintenance state/mode.
Went back to regular kicksecure and sudo/login pw was still locked.
Tried several times back and forth with no avail.
Also tried only faillock command which should show list of login attempts.
It told me: faillock: Error reading tally directory: No such file or directory
Tried which faillock it told me the path to faillock, so it seems to be existing anyway.

To clarify I can get to desktop by turning on laptop since there is only encryption password prompt, but cant do anything sudo and if I let it idle too long the login prompt comes up and I have to reboot to get back, though I could maybe remove hibernation or whatever it is that triggers login prompt.

Printed all that internets had about it. Havent tried other stuff yet. Many point towards creating/touching such a directory. Dont know if I should follow strangers advice to touch hidden places. What could go wrong?

Still wondering how it got locked. Is it even possible to fall a sleep with hands on keyboard on such a position that the user login prompt gets saturated? Will it accept continous enter as a attempt?