How to go out of hibernation?

Sorry for such question. I can’t go out of hibernation mode on my laptop. How to do it? Please help.

By “can’t go out of hibernation mode”, what exactly are the symptoms you’re running into? Does the machine refuse to power on? Does it power on but doesn’t restore your session?

Hibernation is not well-supported on Kicksecure at the moment. You should avoid using it if at all possible.

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VM or Host?

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I think he means eternal sleep and black screen. I wrote about this problem in sddm. but my friends have this problem on default xfce-kicksecure too. you should disable this mode in new versions. session is not restored and all data is lost :frowning:


@arraybolt3 It was host. Sorry for no feedback. Problem somehow solved itself out. Most likely system freezed? (i used it intensively before hibernation) When returned everything was normal and system went out of hibernation correctly. So i can’t explain much more. Thanks for help anyway. I will avoid hibernation. @sam

@sam, @gredhurk Not sure if you’re talking about sleep or hibernation now. Sleep is what usually happens when you close a machine’s lid - it goes into a power-saving state that can be resumed from quickly. Hibernation is when your system writes all of its memory contents to disk and then shuts down entirely (sorta). Sleep should be very well supported, and if it doesn’t work that’s a bug. Hibernation on the other hand has a tendency to be finicky on Linux (and Windows too, but Linux moreso).

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