Impossible to start Evolution app since the last update

Since the last Kicksecure update, I can no longer launch Evolution, the messaging application. It’s set as the default application, but it won’t start either with a graphical command or from the command line.
When I try to launch it from the command line, I get the following messages, which are totally incomprehensible to me.
Thank you for your help!

** (evolution:7570): WARNING **: 17:21:58.837: Failed to canonicalize path /home/jeronath/.local/share/evolution/preview-plugins: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

** (evolution:7570): CRITICAL **: 17:21:58.838: Attempted to add disallowed path to sandbox: /home/jeronath/.local/share/evolution/preview-plugins
bwrap: No permissions to create new namespace, likely because the kernel does not allow non-privileged user namespaces. See or file:///usr/share/doc/bubblewrap/README.Debian.gz.

** (evolution:7570): ERROR **: 17:21:58.916: Failed to fully launch dbus-proxy: Le processus fils s’est terminé avec le code 1
Trappe pour point d’arrêt et de trace (core dumped)

Try the same as mentioned in this very forum post: Can not run flatpak apps after Kicksecure update - #7 by Patrick