Kicksecure no password prompt on gnu grub

I installed kicksecure iso to a harddrive and did full disk encryption and it worked fine (grub prompted me for password and i could boot) but then i did dist-upgrade or upgrade-nonroot (what everone it asked me to do) and when i boot, grub no longers asks me for my password and just go’s into command line mode.

how can i boot manually with grubs and or fix it?
i can cryptomount (hd0,gpt2) and (hd0,gpt3)
and when i look at them with ls (crypto0) they look fine

For now, the unfortunate status is: Don’t expect that anyone will be able to suggest a solution. Too difficult. Most likely nobody will known.

When ISO: Change to unencrypted /boot if using Full Disk Encryption gets implemented, this issue won’t happen again for new installations.

I figured it out, it wasnt because i did an update but beause i put it on a removeable drive and when i booted without it pluged in, my motherboard deleted the nvram entry (telling it what .efi file to boot from) and the default boot folder has a grub.cfg file that is setup as if you didnt encrypt your harddrive so it doesnt run cryptomount and the other required things to boot a encrypted drive causing to fail and just fall out to grub command line.

so heres how to fix it for anyone with the same problem (my install is in efi mode and not bios so if yours is bios then idk how to help you)

first to boot from grub manually:
you need to find your boot partition mine was (hd0,gpt2)
to find it do type: ls
this will list all your partitions and you will have to check each one by typing ls followed by their name
example: ls (hd0,gpt2)
since your boot should be encrypted your boot drive is gonna say No Known filesystem deteced and the size should be about 4gb mine says (4194304KiB)
cool now we gotta unencrypt it so type: cryptomount (hd0,gtp2)
replace (hd0,gpt2) with what ever is your boot partition
put in your password and if you type it correct it should say Slot 0 opened
now confirm its your boot partition by typing: ls (crypto0)
it should be labeled ‘boot’
if this isnt it then cryptomount the next drive and that drive will be (crypto1) and so on

now that you have the boot drive and its unencrypted and mounted to (crypto0)
we can boot manualy, here are the commands

set boot=(crypto0)
set prefix=(crypto0)/grub
insmod normal

and now you have manually booted!

ok now to fix the problem at hand
since kicksecure is goofy and doesnt have a working grub.cfg in the default boot folder we are gonna have to replace it.

so open a terminal and type: sudo thunar
then navigate to /boot/efi/EFI
their should be 2 folder in there BOOT and Kicksecure

go into Kicksecure and copy grub.cfg
then go into the BOOT folder and replace the grub.cfg with the one from the Kicksecure folder

and now when you reboot, grub will prompt you for your password!
if you update, it might change the bootloader and you might have to repeat all this

if you are using secure boot or want to then heres a bonus step
go into the Kicksecure folder and copy shimx64.efi
and put it in the BOOT folder then delete BOOTX64.EFI and rename shimx64.efi to BOOTX64.EFI

a little info on what this does by default if your computer doesnt have a nvram entry to know what efi file to try then it will default to /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
in this case BOOTX64.EFI is just grubx64.efi renamed and will try to run the grub.cfg in its folder
thats why we changed it to the one from the kicksecure folder
and since grubx64.efi isnt signed it wont boot in secure boot but shimx64.efi is singed and will run in secure boot then shimx64.efi will just run grubx64.efi automaticaly