Performance. How do I turn SMT back on?


My laptop is just an old toaster; it is a very low powered machine. I currently cannot handle the security features of having SMT turned off. I understand turning it back on poses a greater security risk, but at this point I’d rather have a functional laptop.

How do I turn SMT back on? Please save my old toaster! My Old Trusty really needs that hyperthreading again. Intel Core i5 (3rd generation) dual core + hyperthreading.

I think you guys have done wonders as far as security is concerned for the Linux desktop, and I pray for your continued success.

I wish adding your Kicksecure repo to an immutable distro like Vanilla OS was a simple and easy process. Having atomic updates with Kicksecure’s security layering would be my absolute dreamboat Linux distro!

Kicksecure ™ Tuning chapter Disable CPU Mitigations in Kicksecure wiki

Thank you!

Aka stateless?

Nice feature but I don’t think this is going to be possible for a Debian based distribution anytime soon.