I’ve been using Kicksecure and it’s derivatives for a good while by now in Qubes VMs and on servers (Kicksecure in Qubes and on server is morphed, Whonix 17 templates are official Qubes templates) and just realized that I have a seemingly plain, unencrypted swap partition on all Qubes templates. The morphed version on the server host looks correct, if I am not mistaken. Reading the documentation, my impression is that swap-file-creator
should change this by default on Kicksecure systems.
/etc/fstab entry in morphed Debian template on Qubes OS
/dev/xvdc1 swap swap defaults 0 0
/etc/fstab entry in my Whonix-Workstation AppVM installed from the official template on Qubes OS
/dev/xvdc1 swap swap defaults 0 0
Several command outputs from my morphed Kicksecure on a virtual server
swapon --show
/dev/dm-0 partition 5.7G 0B -2
More information on the device:
sudo dmsetup info /dev/dm-0
This looks correct I think?
The package is also not installed on any of the machines except for the morphed host (actually a VPS). It looks like I chose kicksecure-qubes-cli
for the Kicksecure template on Qubes while morphing and, again, the Whonix templates were not built by myself. On the VPS, I chose kicksecure-cli-host
. (Writing this… is there potentially a difference between the host
and the qubes
packages in regards to the package being installed/not installed?)
Trying to find an answer to this still left me with two related questions:
- Is the documentation outdated? It states that it should be installed by default: /wiki/Swap-file-creator#Installation (posting the link resulted in an error, sorry)
That said, I don’t know what cases “otherwise” covers or what history, intention or background the sentence has, though. - Is there any other countermeasure against potentially sensitive information being written to the disk via swapping, which I was not able to find in the wiki, or may, for instance, keys have ended up on my disk?
Big thanks for all you do!