Kicksecure for sys qubes and sys-vpn?

The documentation states (

At time of writing, Kicksecure is unsupported in Qubes service VMs such as sys-net, sys-firewall, sys-usb.

For Kicksecure distro-morphed with kicksecure-qubes-gui in particular, what are the current barriers to support, and what is anticipated to potentially break functionality?

Part of why I’m asking is that I’d like to write a Community Guide for creating a sys-vpn qube using Kicksecure (for the Mullvad or IVPN client app, adapted from the guide found here: Does anything jump out at you for why this would be inadvisable?

Just overload of support requests.

sys-usb, sys-net are difficult enough to use in Qubes without Kicksecure being involved.

I don’t want anyone’s sys-usb, sys-net issues caused by Qubes being blamed on Kicksecure and reported here. No time to investigate such issues.

That’s all. If it works, then great.

Thank you for your interest!

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